We had been renting at the Menara C*********** for almost 3 years, same age as my lil girl.
Last two years was fine, and it seems that we had a very, very 'polite, helpful, kind-hearted' neighbours.
Its became an universal truth (like the facts that the earth goes round the moon, the sun rise on east, etc) that the three Menaras residents have parking problem. Up to every shoulder of main road are occupied with cars, unless you live in the house unit bought with one underground parking bay (think maybe at an additional RM20K, dont care to ask coz we are only renting here).
And their friendliness became more prominent when we have upgraded our cars too.
Why I said so, is because when we had only a Kenari when my husben came back late at night (almost dawn) and parked his at the undesignated area, the next morning he found a big (5kgs) flower pot (with sand and and plant on it) on top of the engine.
Purposely as a courtesy reminder from a considerable neighbor to tell his other neighbor that you have misparked. My husben went mad.
Even at the time the flat was furnished with a CCTV, even the Residential Committee close their eyes and shut their mouths on the wrongdoer's act.
After 6 months the courtesy came again. My husben Hilux was scratched and sketched as if the artist couldnt find himself a proper, or decent drawing block to show off his creativity. Its a very long line, completed with curves and waves of course. My husben turned ogre!
Last Ramadhan (despite the belief of the devils were all chained up in Ramadhan,so its must be the 'devil' inside the people), the Lancer became the 3rd victim of the wavey line when finally he said we had enuf!!
Out of 30 cars parked in the same area side by side, why ours????WHY?????
Somebody, or a group of residents really unwelcomed us here by sending many messages.
And the car incidents are not only messages that we received.
So the countless messages are understood by my husben at last and we are (finally) seeking for a new terrace house for renting, even though I have discussed the matter with him many times when he seemed to ignore the subject matter. Rebutted on the ground that its a safe neighbor.
But theft and burglar also happened here, not to mention the baby stroller went missing before the 1st car incident, and the endless car sketches.
Since we are getting our new Jag next week and the new rented house will only available by end of tis month, its really a jackass if we decided to stay here any longer. Lets move and lift our butt !! Yeey yeey...
The new car will share a parking space in my husben's friend's house for the time being considering its really a premium car not worth a penny to be a victim of scandaleous artist at the Menara.
(Pls dont mind the bad words above, now that the irresponsibled residents have brought/woke up the devil inside myself which for a long time I have put to sleep!!!)
A Message To The Artist : "Only Allah can pay your generous contributions. If not in this Life, maybe in the After"
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