Hi All, I ve been absent for a while coz my internet connection was disconnected.
Now I am back to the missed blogging world.
Blogging seeing me made new friends, whom sometimes we find it rather convenient to communicate cyberly (new vocab ya, me created!) rather than face to face.
When it come to times, with chances we met and chat in live.
And friendship goes on.
I am in the midst of tracking down my old college friends, some who used to cry together.
Laughed at stupid jokes. Teasing innocent boys (not married men ya - forbidden until now!).
Put on best outfit for outing.
Dresses up for Annual Dinner.
Hanging out at cafes.
Riding in Red-Yellow Omnibus.
....endless list.......
Its been a great time having friends who never took me for granted.
Those who did, I will say a fore-sayonara (I am having the writer's blank mind, again I cant remember what its called, is it a writer's blog?).
A collegemate from Trolak to Uniten, has passed away last 17th in her stage 4 servical/ovarian (I am really an absent-minded professor) cancer. Lets recite Alfatihah to Allahyarhamah Asfaniza Asmon of Kota Tinggi. I have not had chances to blogging with her while she was alive.
I am grateful to Allah for still being alive, coz I have lots more to do: seeing Wlh growing, seeing other peoples' places, seeing my father surviving after my mum's death, and importantly asking forgiveness from Him (Allah) for all my long-list of wrongdoings...Alhamdullillah!!!
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