Saturday, December 19, 2009

2nd Folkart Class

Last Thursday I didnt have much choices then having to bringing all my nieces and nephew to my teacher's house for a folkart class.
Coincidently my niece need to be at SSP and the gap btw my class and her arrangement was only 3 hours making it impossible for me to rush back to KL and then again to the same place afterwards for the class.

Subject matter for the day was shelf.
And here is the product even though my daughter is making her usual trouble again.
~the ribbon on the top was finished at home instead at class coz I was rushing back with the kids

House Arrest Starts

Since last few days Waielah has developed few spots on her body which I suspect as chicken poxs.
Last nite her body temp rose as if she is having a fever.
This morning the spots are more obvious and began to increase too.
A check by a doc qualify it was a chic pox (even though she yelled and screamed asking dady to bring her away fr the doc till the doc was curious herself, so Culas!) , so after arriving home I started to put calamine lotion on the spots.

~still can smile widely, coz the pox fever hasnt hit her much, yet...

Monday, December 14, 2009

To Puncak Alam for 1st time

The whole family (even only the 3) were riding in dady's Baby Jag (damn he called the car as Babe, tell me which wife wont get envy?) to UiTM Puncak Alam satellite campus to pick up my niece and her GF from her Martial Art Tournament.
We almost lost because there is no proper signage from Meru at all.
We were heading towards Kuala Selangor/Btg Kali when finally, there is only lucky signage telling the junction to the campus is 500m on the right turn.
Whoever from UiTM authority reads this hopefully will highlight this to the proper management channel, or should I write them an email as a concern visitor.
I doubt coz I just been there to pick up relatives from other uni who happen to compete in the tournement tat took place at their campus.
However, they should if they are community-concern.

I missed all the photo shooting of such a beautiful place to study, compared to my 1st campus in Trolak cum palm estate training centre..

To cut short, just managed to shot one photo of the team memory together (exclude me of course!)
And there is no makan2 at all coz were rushed back to KL to get their bus ticket to Kth.
~Congrats to them even though they didnt win as The Best Team (and so sorry for vague photo quality)

2nd Orange Daisy Berry Stool

I had offered my sister in Paka a stool as a replacement for something that I owed her and she insisted on to have a white stool instead of coloured so with the limited color tubes that I got, I managed to produced this lovely coloured daisy.
Its not really orange, but its really the soft version one that I usually saw a life daisy one.
So holeng (another whistle blowing?)
~And thought that the painting on the stool legs made it too messy, or overcrowded as my husband referred it to as a 'terlebih meriah'.
Wah wah, he had lots to say when asked for, ehem, free opinion!
~unvarnished coz I am a bit tired fr yesterday trip to Puncak Alam..

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Daisy Berry Stool Project

My hands are becoming more itchy and itchier day after days.

The Berry stool were purchased fr JJ at $35 each and I managed to gessoed one since last 3 weeks, and its been laid uselessly for some times.
My only excuse is to wait til I joined flower painting class which is still in consideration.
I am firm to join, but havent contact the teacher yet for class option.
What? to wait til the sifu come looking for me hah, I need to get up ASAP.
So I tried on my own and was half satisfied with the result...
~the daisies are not well distributed yet~the stool posed next to the never-ending busy-bodied model

Monday, November 30, 2009

Rainy Raya Haji

In these rainy days everywhere from KL to Kerteh to KB left many of us in no raya mood.
However seem the mode was auto switch by itself coz there are family, relatives, and neighbors.
For somebody single, raya can be spent whole day bulging on our comfy bed. I envied them.
But for those who have their own family (ies) like me, we have to just move with the flow.
Sorry singles, I am not saying that u'all dont have a family, but your family circle is slighty smaller rather than us married.
I meant, its only listening to our mother the only person will nag on the endless sleeping marathon on rayas.
Unlike us who have more voices to listen to (mom's, dad's, sisters', brothers,' in laws', MIL's , etc).
When they are talking about responsibilty to us, the lists are a bit longer too.

So, here I am stuck in P Chepa, KB.
Only happens to be to KB Mall this evening and spend $100.
Other than that, only body-weight-addition programmes.
Gosh, I missed my whole family in Kerteh coz just spent 2D/1N with them (doesnt this sound like a holiday brochure?) coz hubby got many commitments in KB.~wlh crook face eating icecream. Why she wants to show such a cruel face still puzzles me..~this set is a lucky draw gift offered by one of the supermkt in PC.
So whitey. I didnt try my luck to scout for it over furnitures stores around town coz everybody seem to give a no-no and blur answers when asked of their whereabout.

~Dina, wlh's cousin from Lipis is a toddler now
~the bear picture sampler for my next sketch reference.Hopefully..

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bathroom Plaque

I must be exaggerating way too much when I have finished first daisy!

Room plaques for Nieces

Having learn few strokes techniques, I am trying to do as much and as frequent as possible with a thought that everyday I will keep improving.
And its proven even though the fur is not yet obvious to the naked eyes.
The teddy bear sketch, which will be taught by my Sifu in the next ahead class but I am so eager to try 1st on my own.

And the victim recipient of the end products are none than my nieces in L144 Kemaman.
Hopefully, they will hang the plaques proudly on their private room doors.
Only one free message : Please be thankful that your parent is not in the military profession, if not I will proudly stroll into your rooms smell nothing but a clean and fresh aroma. ~a single bear for a niece who conquer one whole room for herself in the house

~I am adding some new finishing ribbon~the duo for the middle and third niece who share their room.~think that I should get more variety ribbons, in stripey, polka dots, etc

Folkart Again

Since my 1st folkart class, I became addicted to draw.
Never thought the hobby is so addictive, and a day is incomplete without doing anything related.
After pressing my mind looking for a sketch idea to put on the plaque, finally managed to produce one humble piece.
Please forgive me if it is not to anyone's expectation, coz I am pleasing only myself.
~a castle by a river. The trees are meant to be maple which I should use more darker red with choc and yellow shade, has became pink (again?) instead..maybe next time it will get better

Sunday, November 15, 2009

New House

Here are some photos for you nice wievers, whats not here meant they are totally incomplete section or really, really an eyesore lol!!
~First eyesore (as for the 1st impression) my neighbor renovated their gate, without the proper garbage area make my front compound as theirs dumping area (I try, tried to think positive, it must be the stray dogs garbage-ransacking activities at nite..)
~the newly cleaned front yard, my mini garden-to-be
~this is whats done on the front main door so far, from outside .
~from inside,at last my rooster runner became useful. Wlh still gave me silly/otai answers when I asked how many cocks/hens are there..~the lounge area in front of main door entrance .
~the console acts as a divider btw the lounge and the dine area.~the spacious living room, more rugs to come courtesy from hubby.
~the disqualified interior designer touch...who else?
~the discontinued Biby for my teapots and Bunga Kangkung collections display.~the oversized 20x24ft oven still waiting for a proper buffet/table to put onto.
~the Smadals still sit in the dine area (mind the die-hard model..)~both wall shelves occupied with Portmeirion Botanic Roses plates, mugs n canisters.

Now that the essay starts here:

We finally moved last 2 weeks, and officially the hse isnt running completely 100%.
Why I said so? Coz my hubby's countless clothes are still in the storage, and imagine the space it occupies in the guest's room.

So the room was a complete mess. And I cant make up the room as long as they are not in proper wardrobe until he got his three Ikea Aneboda (next month's budget allocation).
And as according to hubby, all his five door wardrobe he bought fr Carrefour went into his step-brother's room, so there they were right now. Funnily, only I door was occupied coz he didnt have much cloth collection like my hubby's.
Sadly, none of my picture/photo frames was hung, yet.
~Also, I just realised how small the kitchen is, only a slight bigger to our previous.
(Considering both my refrigerator and cooker are quite big sized).
~boxes still stacked in the kitchen
I dont want to be lost finding an item, and spending a pause thinking of where to put it back after use.
And I am running out of space (again!) to store all the cooking utensils, tupperwares,etc etc. Yes I got space, but I need a proper storage system for easy retrieval.
Think all the housewife will agree to that, unlike those who really have fancy kitchen and cabinet system only for display (like the Malay says; Dapur Jarang Berasap)
As for who are more fortunate to have spacious both wet and dry kitchen...they must be having lots of space luxury till the separation is possible.

~also newly cleaned back yard, reserved for washing machine and cats cage~the lil princess on mummy's gateaway

My First Folk Art

In the midst of new home reorganising ie recluttering and decluttering, I cant miss to attend a very generous folkart class generously offeredby Teacher is her page :
After being lost 2 times, and being honked by few lorry drivers (as if I need to shout : "I am lost, you i***t!"), I reached the Sifu's den aka soho.

Marvellous house cum studio, even though I dont think Sifu intentionally wants to create a mini studio at all. All her masterpieces were displayed on racks and shelves, and they didnt make her house mess unlike some I saw over the net.

Since I wanted to respect the other students' privacies, I didnt shoot any photo at all.
But, here is my 1st folkart piece. I am proud of it even though its not really that grand.
Said to myself i couldnt believe it tat I can produce tis someday..almost got me in down in tears...
I owe so much to my Sifu, many thanks Sifu!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sticking Stickers Day and Mishaps at Ampg Park Lrt

As planned, the two of us went to Citibank to grab the tshirts by train coz I dont know where to park during peak hour there.
The lil one was like a cow just came out of its cage (just as 'Kerbau terlepas kandang' of Malay proverb), was jollied strolling down the lane from Ampang Park station to the CB building.

On the way back at sharply 1.15pm while heading to the underground train waiting area escalator, the itchy lil finger has pressed the 'STOP' button of the escalator.
Automatically, it stopped as if it was jamned.
So for all those commuters who faced unthrilling difficulty at Ampg Park lrt station going down the escalator, please forgive me on behalf of my 'other itchy hand'. Sooo sorry!!

And at home I continued the endless packing and labelled to where the box should be placed at new home.
And again the itchy hands gave me endless headache, thank God the monster inside of me didnt wake up and resort to stay calm inside!

~after mummy sticked the stickers, I took them off to be as my body stickers!!~and I am confident that I am not guily at all!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Annual Family Event- The Terry Fox Run 2009

Besides usual routine Hari Rayas gathering, my small family also had our annual events.
One of them is getting ourselves an 'official' sweating for at least once a year (I am so shame to mention this) in Terry Fox Run.
We did sweat, when chasing for running cats and daughter; going down the elevator,; chasing last train; running away from rain; chasing for shorter shorter payment counter queue; endless list...
Our 1st was in 2007. So tomorrow itinerary is to head to Citibank
For those who want to be with me, err, joining me; the details are as follow:

Date: Sunday, 1 November 2009Venue: Flag off @ 9.00 a.m. Taman Tasik Perdana (Lake Gardens)
Rules & Regulations:
1) All participants must run on the designated route. There are 2 routes- 5km and 3.5km for the family run. (the latter is my choice...)
2) For wheelchair bound, and physically challenged participants, please note that there are slopes along the run route.
3) Participants are to be at the assembly area by 8.45 a.m. (surely someboody will mengamuk for having to wake up so early after the dawn..)
4) No registration required. Just turn up during the run day. You can buy the Terry Fox Run official t-shirt, RM25 each.
Parking:Limited parking is available on site, and public transport is recommended.
Notice:The organisers, their agents, representatives, successors and assigns, are not liable for any injuries suffered, damage and loss of properties by participants at this event

There are 3 confirmed places for the sale of the t-shirts :
1) Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation (CARIF), 2nd Floor, Outpatient Centre, Sime Darby Medical Centre (From 15th Oct, Mon to Fri, 9.00am to 5.00pm)
2) Canadian High Commission, Menara Tan & Tan, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur (From 15th Octo, Mon to Thurs, 8.30am to 12.00pm, 2.00pm to 4.00pm, Fridays 8.30am to 12.00pm)
3) Foyer, Menara Citibank, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur (from 26th Oct to 30th Oct 12.00 to 2.00pm
~the in wish-list Official T-Shirt ~if I didnt grab the above tshirt, then have to squeeze myself into tis 2007 old one, which will definitely show off my bulging spare tyres....Allah forbid!
*my notes were in pink coz i cant think any color related to this cancer research campaign other than tat. Noticed it is also a Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Ribbon color.
**hey, I am moving tis weekend then how could?????

Monday, October 26, 2009

I am Fully Occupied

With the neighbor son's wedding took place last weekend, my endless packing took a time release. Happy Wedding to a lovely young couple who decided to tie a knot last Friday.
My do'a for them is to stay calm on incoming challenges and keep communicating to each other.~I am curious and dissatisfied when dady kept blaming me when the sofa broke, but he never had a chance to notice this wrongful jumping act by his daughter, the culprit of all the damages even though she was only 10+ kgs...~The old partly broken sofa has been transferred to my husband's office leaving only a coffee table and a small carpet for waielah to roll on and make her usual mess.
I managed to list down all the necessary checklist and try not to miss anything.
Anything possible to be arranged earlier was on the top list.
If everything went as planned, tis wkend ISA the move will take place...~Including this 2nd (meaning got the previous 3-seaters, yey yey..) 2-seats lover sofa also fr Fella, so holeng!
Having both in soft creme color make my start worrying on the unwanted spots that may be poured,spilled,or wiped on them, especially by the naughty Waielah.

~I still made regular trips to supermkt to get some boxes for packing. Seen here Waielah got her milk fOC and joined some fun group activity, after crying for usual mengamuk..~with limited space outside the hse, the labelled and segregated boxes kept pile up inside!and more to come

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Spoiled New House

Relaxing at home today I received a fon call from my property agent for the new house-to-be.
Bad news was the owner found his own tenant, who may be offering higher price than ours agreed.
So the house is out of mind, and out of picture.
Whoever the owner is he is so damned daring to act so, no wonder he never confirmed on the firm date the house will be vacant for us to move in.
Luckily the agent found another house and available for viewing at 4pm.
~from no. 33 to 20. Right opposite off the new resort-style Nusa Tropika Semi-D 3 storey.. Our aim house by next yr, InsyaAllah (ISA)!
~another good news is its a 20x80ft instead of previous spoiled 20x70. Spacious to park 2 cars in a row and left mummy some ample space for a little gardening
(painting, cats, gardening, and not to mention attending to wlh's temper; I m gonna get really busy). Will be called as "mom's little garden"! (so many idea already ah)
~so many check list for the new house. Including this classic 3-seater fr Fella (at 30% off move out sales) that I eyed for. Please, hubby!!!!
Thanks to Miss Ar for accompanying me to Fella and Miva. Girlfriends' thoughts are priceless, always.
Hope everything will go smoothly , ISA, Amin!!