Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Balik Kg Mood in KLCC edt

I was browsing at KLCC yesterday and found this lovely decoration at Ramli Mall (or is it Centre Court? sorry cant remember).
The sketch to create a live effect was caricatured by our famous Dato' Lat. Salute Dato'!
So inviting till Waielah has passed the guard rail and made her way to the house , but mummy managed to shout for warning before she dropped mummy's "water face" (so Manglish ya)...
The pictures do the justice, even though it is not yet fully decorated, the whitey deco in English theme is soooo, drolling..
~I have seen many bird cages, but never this soooo gigantic...
~the house, look so alive!~the stall? maybe they are trying to set up a stall to sell something; Dato' Lats' books perhap..

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